TED CONFERENCE APP - davinderdhaliwal


Monday, 7 February 2022



Do you feel exhausted? Have you ever faced lack of confidence or motivation?
We all are born in this world with a peculiar and a unique purpose. So we all go behind our purposes. Sometimes the route we take may divert you from the destination but eventually we will get back to our track which is destined. We will feel sometimes exhausted as we are going behind our goal, so we need a recharge in the form of motivation. Here TED Conference app gives you the fuel of  motivation and inspiration from different people who faced different challenges in their life.

TED talks, Technology, Entertainment and Design always helps us to be motivated, directed, guided, steered, stirred, inspirited to be the successful you. TED is owned by TED Foundation.  TED is both Android and an IOS device. TED administrator is Chris Anderson. TED is headquartered at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  You can stream TED talks on Apple I Times, Google Play STORE, Amazon, Apple TV, Android TV, Youtube, Pinterest. 

TED talks aimed at a global audience and TEDx talks is opened to smaller, local audience. More than 1700 videos, audios are available. You can also talk on TEDx platform through nomination you can give nomination by yourself or someone can give nominations on you. There is no payment for the speaker, only they will get free travel and accommodation.


       ·      This application is free to download.

·          About 3000 talks are free.

·         And it is available in 20 languages.

·          Offline browsing and viewing is also possible.

·         You can listen to the audios while you are driving, doing household chores, or walking and get stirred to the world of success.

 The talks of Brene Brown, Simon Sinek, Amy Cuddy, Bill Gates are mostly viewed one.  The TEDx video has duration for about 18 minutes its neither too long to get you bored. The videos are short not too lengthy but much more influencing. You can listen to the talk of youth speakers. TEDx women is the conference among the empowered women and change makers in the society.


You download the application from Google Play Store, if you have Android device.

You download the application from App Store, if you have IOS.

  Nowadays youth probably do not give their ear to hear advices, as many of them would give you motivation in the form of advices like the things which they learned from the past experience in the form of an advisory tone.

  We need to get inspired from the lives of the successful person in which they should tell us their original crisis they faced, their mental stability at that time, their first step to face that challenge, if a person opens up his mind genuinely it becomes an inspiration for all of us. Here, TEDx provides a platform for you to get inspired. Go and get the app now. Get inspired, be inspired, and fly with colour of success.


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